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見龍在田: 靈感探索與自由想像

【招財貓】👑三國殺名將傳 📢 見龍在田!如何便宜拿金將與金將說明(教學📝)

見龍在田: 靈感探索與自由想像

【招財貓】👑三國殺名將傳 📢 見龍在田!如何便宜拿金將與金將說明(教學📝)

用戶搜尋的關鍵字: 見 龍 在 田 見龍在田飛龍在天, 潛龍勿用見龍在田飛龍在天亢龍有悔, 見龍在田利見大人, 見龍在田易經, 見龍在田利見大人意思, 見龍在田德施普也, 見龍在天, 降龍十八掌





































1. 見龍在田的起源是什麼時候?


2. 「見龍在田」在卜卦中有何意義?


3. 龍在中國文化中有哪些象徵意義?


4. 現代社會中「見龍在田」有哪些應用?


5. 為什麼在不同地區對「見龍在田」的理解有差異?


6. 怎麼解讀「見龍在田飛龍在天」這一詞語?


7. 「降龍十八掌」和「見龍在天」有什麼關聯?



類別: 分享 13 見 龍 在 田

【招財貓】👑三國殺名將傳 📢 見龍在田!如何便宜拿金將與金將說明(教學📝)
【招財貓】👑三國殺名將傳 📢 見龍在田!如何便宜拿金將與金將說明(教學📝)


見龍在田飛龍在天: Exploring the Depths of an Ancient Chinese Saying

In the rich tapestry of Chinese culture and philosophy, there exists a saying that has transcended time and space, resonating through generations – 見龍在田飛龍在天. This enigmatic phrase holds deep meaning and has been woven into the fabric of Chinese thought, offering insights into the complexities of life, nature, and the human experience.

Unraveling the Meaning

Origins and Historical Significance

The saying 見龍在田飛龍在天 has its roots in ancient Chinese literature, particularly in classical texts like the Yijing (易經), also known as the Book of Changes. This venerable work, dating back over two millennia, serves as a foundational text in Chinese philosophy, exploring the dynamic interplay of Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, and the ebb and flow of life.

Literal Translation and Symbolism

Literally translated, 見龍在田飛龍在天 can be understood as “seeing a dragon in the field, a flying dragon in the sky.” This picturesque expression encapsulates profound philosophical ideas. The dragon, a symbol of power and auspiciousness in Chinese culture, takes on metaphorical significance in this saying.

In the field, the dragon is seen, suggesting a tangible and immediate presence. This may be interpreted as recognizing opportunities or challenges in the mundane aspects of life. The flying dragon in the sky represents a higher, transcendental perspective, signifying the broader, overarching principles that guide our destinies.

The Philosophical Depth

Interpreting the Yijing

To truly grasp the essence of 見龍在田飛龍在天, one must delve into the Yijing, where the hexagram Qian (乾) holds relevance. This hexagram is associated with the creative force, representing strength, vitality, and the unyielding power of heaven. The saying draws parallels between observing the dragon in the field, symbolizing the manifestation of creative energy in the tangible world, and the soaring dragon in the sky, representing the cosmic forces that govern our existence.

The Dichotomy of Yin and Yang

At its core, 見龍在田飛龍在天 embodies the ancient Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang. The field, with its earthly associations, reflects the Yin, the receptive and manifested aspect, while the sky represents the Yang, the dynamic and transcendent force. The saying encourages a holistic understanding of life, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the material and the spiritual.

Practical Applications

Navigating Life’s Challenges

In the journey of life, individuals often find themselves confronted with challenges or opportunities. 見龍在田飛龍在天 serves as a guide, urging individuals to perceive the immediate circumstances (the dragon in the field) while maintaining awareness of larger, universal principles (the flying dragon in the sky). This dual perspective equips individuals with a comprehensive outlook, fostering adaptability and resilience.

Decision-Making and Strategy

The strategic implications of this saying are evident in various fields, from business to personal development. By applying the wisdom embedded in 見龍在田飛龍在天, one can make informed decisions, balancing short-term considerations with long-term vision. This nuanced approach mirrors the wisdom found in traditional Chinese strategic thinking, where foresight and adaptability are paramount.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the origin of the saying 見龍在田飛龍在天?

The saying has its roots in ancient Chinese philosophy, particularly in the Yijing or Book of Changes. It draws upon the symbolism of dragons and their representation of creative and cosmic forces.

2. How can one apply the principles of 見龍在田飛龍在天 in daily life?

In practical terms, the saying encourages individuals to maintain a dual perspective – recognizing immediate circumstances while being mindful of broader, universal principles. This can guide decision-making, foster adaptability, and enhance resilience.

3. Is there a specific hexagram in the Yijing associated with 見龍在田飛龍在天?

Yes, the hexagram Qian (乾) is closely associated with the saying. It embodies the creative force, representing the unyielding power of heaven and the dynamic interplay of Yin and Yang.

4. How does 見龍在田飛龍在天 relate to traditional Chinese philosophy?

The saying encapsulates key elements of traditional Chinese philosophy, including the concepts of Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, and the interconnectedness of the material and spiritual realms.

5. Can 見龍在田飛龍在天 be applied in a business context?

Certainly. The saying’s emphasis on dual perspective and strategic thinking makes it applicable in business settings. It can guide decision-makers in balancing short-term goals with a long-term vision, fostering adaptability in dynamic environments.

In conclusion, 見龍在田飛龍在天 is not merely a saying; it is a profound guide to navigating the complexities of life with wisdom and foresight. As we embrace both the dragon in the field and the flying dragon in the sky, we find a harmonious balance between the immediate and the eternal, the tangible and the transcendent. This ancient wisdom continues to resonate, offering timeless insights for those who seek a deeper understanding of the world and their place within it.


潛龍勿用見龍在田飛龍在天亢龍有悔: Exploring the Depths of a Proverb


In the rich tapestry of Chinese culture and wisdom, proverbs play a significant role in conveying deep insights and guiding principles for a meaningful life. One such proverb that encapsulates profound wisdom is 潛龍勿用見龍在田飛龍在天亢龍有悔. In this article, we will delve into the layers of meaning behind this ancient saying, exploring its origins, dissecting each component, and unraveling the timeless lessons it imparts.

Origins and Context

潛龍勿用見龍在田飛龍在天亢龍有悔 has its roots deeply embedded in Chinese philosophy and the ancient text of the I Ching (易經), also known as the Book of Changes. The I Ching is a foundational text that has guided Chinese thought for centuries, offering insights into the principles of change, balance, and harmony.

This particular proverb draws inspiration from the imagery of dragons, a symbol of power, transformation, and auspicious energy in Chinese culture. The phrase encourages a thoughtful and strategic approach to one’s actions, cautioning against revealing one’s true strength prematurely.

Dissecting the Components

  1. 潛龍 (Qián Lóng) – Concealed Dragon:
    This segment advises the need to conceal one’s capabilities and strengths. Like a dragon hidden beneath the surface of the water, it suggests the importance of keeping one’s true abilities undisclosed until the opportune moment.

  2. 勿用 (Wù Yòng) – Do Not Use:
    The usage of “do not use” underscores the idea that power and skills should not be flaunted unnecessarily. Instead, it advocates for a strategic and measured approach, reserving one’s strengths for situations that truly demand them.

  3. 見龍在田 (Jiàn Lóng Zài Tián) – Seeing a Dragon in the Field:
    This part paints a vivid picture of a dragon in an open field, symbolizing the idea that true strength becomes apparent when faced with challenges. It cautions against unnecessary displays of power when not confronted by significant obstacles.

  4. 飛龍在天 (Fēi Lóng Zài Tiān) – Flying Dragon in the Sky:
    The image of a flying dragon in the sky suggests the idea of reaching new heights and attaining success. This part encourages the idea that real achievements come when one rises above challenges and adversities.

  5. 亢龍有悔 (Kàng Lóng Yǒu Huǐ) – Arrogance Brings Regret:
    The concluding segment serves as a warning against arrogance. It implies that a dragon, when overly confident and arrogant, may face regrettable consequences. It emphasizes the importance of humility and self-awareness.

Interpreting the Proverb

潛龍勿用見龍在田飛龍在天亢龍有悔, when translated, means “Conceal the dragon’s strength; do not reveal it until it faces challenges. When challenges arise, let it soar to the sky. Arrogance leads to regret.” This proverb encapsulates a strategic approach to life, urging individuals to navigate challenges with humility, only revealing their true potential when necessary.

In the context of personal development and interpersonal relationships, the proverb underscores the significance of humility, patience, and resilience. It discourages the unnecessary display of prowess but encourages individuals to rise to the occasion when faced with significant challenges.


  1. What does the image of a dragon symbolize in Chinese culture?
    Dragons hold a special place in Chinese culture and are regarded as symbols of power, strength, and good fortune. They are often associated with the emperor and represent auspicious energy.

  2. How does the proverb relate to the principles of the I Ching?
    The I Ching emphasizes the cyclical nature of change and the importance of balance. The proverb aligns with these principles by advocating a strategic and balanced approach to utilizing one’s strengths.

  3. Can you provide real-life examples of the application of this proverb?
    Instances of leaders showcasing humility and resilience in the face of challenges, only revealing their true capabilities when necessary, align with the essence of this proverb. Historical figures and successful individuals often embody these principles.

  4. Is there a modern interpretation of this ancient proverb?
    In contemporary settings, the proverb can be applied to various aspects of life, from career strategies to personal relationships. It encourages individuals to be discerning about when and how they reveal their strengths and talents.

  5. How can one cultivate the qualities mentioned in the proverb in their own life?
    Cultivating qualities such as humility, patience, and resilience involves self-reflection, mindfulness, and a commitment to personal growth. Learning to gauge the right moments to showcase strengths is an ongoing process that requires a deep understanding of oneself and the environment.


潛龍勿用見龍在田飛龍在天亢龍有悔 serves as a timeless guide, offering profound insights into the art of navigating life with wisdom and discernment. By exploring its origins, dissecting each component, and interpreting its broader implications, we gain a deeper understanding of the strategic principles embedded in this ancient Chinese proverb. As we apply these lessons to our lives, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, guided by the wisdom of the ages.


I’m unable to access external websites directly to create an article based on the links provided. However, I can certainly provide information and guidance on 見龍在田利見大人 based on the information you’ve shared. This concept often refers to an ancient Chinese proverb that symbolizes a strategic approach and wisdom. It’s often used in the context of observing situations before making a move or taking action.










  1. 細心觀察:在做決定之前,仔細觀察周圍的環境和情況。這有助於更全面地了解局勢,做出更明智的選擇。

  2. 思考前瞻:不急於行動,而是運用思維、分析能力,預測可能的結果與影響。這有助於避免盲目行動所帶來的風險。

  3. 重視觀察對象:當觀察環境時,同樣需要注意觀察對象,評估其行為和品德。這將有助於更準確地評估情況,做出正確的判斷。


1. 這句成語的起源是什麼?

2. 「見龍在田」和「利見大人」分別代表什麼意思?

3. 這句成語在現代生活中如何應用?


探索 33 見 龍 在 田

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51 懷舊香港漫畫龍虎門王小虎見龍在田黃玉郎隨金報附送大海送報, 興趣及遊戲, 收藏品及紀念品, 古董收藏- Carousell
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